There are a number of benefits in achieving a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development. It is a determination that has legal status providing certainty to prospective developers and purchasers of land and buildings.
Certificates of Lawful Use or Development can be particularly useful when you are selling property, it has become increasingly common for solicitors and lenders to require confirmation that works are lawful.
A Certificate of Lawful Use or Development can also be extremely useful if someone makes an enquiry or complaint about the work.
If you are applying for a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for a breach of planning control you are required to demonstrate with evidence that a certain time limits have passed. If you able to provide the required evidence then no enforcement action may be taken in respect of the breach.
We are experienced at preparing and submitting lawful development certificates. The collection and assessment of evidence is often crucial and we would be pleased to discuss this with you in greater detail